As a very long-time freelance journalist and author, one of my favorite clips (posted by the late Harlan Ellison's account):


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"How dare you call me and ask to work for free! 'Oh but that would be good publicity'" -- my goodness.

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As is said in my crowd, "You can die from exposure."

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Harlan Ellison was a certifiable pain in the ass, he knew he was an infamous pain in the ass, he delighted in being a legendary pain in the ass, but I loved and respected Harlan J. Ellison because his theatrics and dramatics through the written word got to the truth of the matter - as demonstrated in the video you referenced.

I miss him dearly and his lovely wife, Susan, who inexplicably managed to keep him sane and on his best behavior when the situation called for it. (Rumor had it she had a high-powered, but rusty, blood-flecked, cheese grater at the ready when he got out of hand, and mere mention of it settled him down.)


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