You've touched on critical points. There are two additional considerations:

1. The need for agencies and/or brands to establish an open dialog, even with constraints (ex. utilize a collaborative platform/tool for Q/A, a single point of contact (PM), a shared email-handle for questions).

2. The need for leadership on the publishing side to empower their organization to say "no." Many leaders and/or sellers live in fear of the "missed opportunity" or fear of damaging a relationship that could impact future consideration. Trust is an integral part of the relationship and being transparent to thoughtfully manage expectations often helps build that trust.

If some time can't be allocated to address both common and unique questions from publisher/adtech/martech "partners" how "big" of an RFP is it...besides, shouldn't all sellers be positioning themselves to get ahead of the RFP :)

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Love this. There’s another side that I also didn’t touch on, and maybe that’s for another day: the shitty incentives that sellers have where they have revenue numbers to hit, so they go after the low hanging fruit instead of the smart ideas. And the cycle becomes, what I call, mediocrity by necessity.

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